Serial Link
Milnor communicates on a serial link standard.
There are multiple links involved with a machine. The following write up explanation involves with Mark II and higher machines. It would not apply to System 7, EP One Touch, EP Express, EP Plus, or Miltouch controllers.
The following MTA's are based on a 186 processor card
There is one link for the internal card cage (peripheral cards) off of MTA33.
There is one link for Miltrac communication off of MTA32.
There is one link for Mildata communication off of MTA34.
There is one link for Drynet communication (with Milnor System Dryers) off of MTA29.
There is one link for Mentor communication with CBW's off of MTA29. The communication protocol must be changed from RS232-485 between the computer and the machine processor card.
The internal serial link with the peripheral cards has a sequence that it communicates with the cards.
The first card we try to communicate is the I/O board. If there is a high speed board in the machine, it should be the first I/O board. Then if there is a second I/O board, and so on. Next, it the output board #1, then output #2, and D-A. This cycle is repeated 4 times. On the 4th time, then the we talk to the A-D and we also get the RPM reading (if the machine is equipped with RPM indication).