Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Technical Knowledge Base

Rib Failure

Inflatable rib failure can be caused by a number of factors.
Premature rib failure.
Extend the life of the inflatable ribs.
Rib deflation and inflation topis.

Key words - M7E, M7V, M9E, M9V
A number of possibilities can contribute to premature rib failure.

The rib must deflate completely before discharge jogging to prevent rib damage.

A few notes on the rib usage and maintenance:

1. The deflate time must be greater than the inflate time. A safe number is 3 times the inflate time, though less is possible with a proper operating vacuum.
2. The muffler will become rusted if a rib fails and the water from the goods is sucked through the vacuum and discharged through the muffler. Normally this is how you would know if there is a torn rib. The muffler must be free to pass air (not rusted) so the vacuum system can work properly.
3. We had stopped installing mufflers in the past but resumed as the noise from the venturi vacuum discharge was objectionable. However, removing the muffler would allow you to demonstrate how well the system can work with a good muffler.
4. Ribs will fail prematurely as a result of improper deflation. This allows the rib to be extended as the basket is jogged to discharge. This will tear the rib.
5. Many goods do not require the use of the inflatable ribs as these goods fall from the extractor basket freely. We suggest that you program the ribs with no inflation time for these goods.
6. The deflation function requires much airflow. If the air supply to the machine is too small then the ribs may not deflate properly. This is the reason large inlet piping is provided with the extractor. Also, if the air pressure or volume is disrupted then deflation issues will occur.

GLL 05-27-03
Last updated: 04/27/2004 / Node ID: 1054 / Key Chain: