Pellerin Milnor Corporation

Milnor Employee Relief Fund


Over the last couple of weeks, Pellerin Milnor has worked to return to full operations following the impact of Hurricane Ida. We were fortunate our facilities sustained minimal damage, allowing us to return to full production this week.

Unfortunately, a number of our employees suffered significant damage to their homes. We received calls expressing interest in helping out Milnor employees during this time. A Milnor Employee Relief Fund is now available for deposits by anyone interested in helping. If you would like to donate, please send checks made out to "Milnor Employee Relief Fund - Ida" and mail to:

Milnor Employee Relief Fund - Ida
PO Box 400
Kenner, LA 70063-0400

We certainly appreciate the prayers and support we have received from around the world following the storm. Thank you for your consideration.
